Please read these instructions before installing or using your Te Pari C1000 head bail. It is important that you are familiar with the head bail’s components, features and safe operation. With simple maintenance, your Te Pari head bail will provide you with years of efficient service.
All Te Pari products are designed for the ultimate in safety. Working with livestock can be a dangerous business at times so we have designed many features into our cattle crushes and headbails to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. Animal safety is also paramount, so all our equipment is designed to get the job done with minimal discomfort and distress to the animal.
- Keep your hands, fingers and limbs well clear of any pivots, hinges or other pinch points on your headbail for example, the head bails doors, and other moving mechanisms.
- Do not enter the area in front of the head bail until you have checked that the animal is fully secured. It is safe work practice to keep clear of this area.
- Whenever possible do not work alone.
- Make sure you read and understand the correct operating procedure for your head bail before you use it.
When your headbail is delivered it is important to check that it is not damaged if you notice any freight damage please notify the Te Pari Products dispatch department immediately.
Ensure you note on the driver's copy of the delivery consignment note any damages. Your C1000 head bail will mount into either a steel yard or the strainer posts of a wooden yard.
The approximate weight of the C1000 headbail is 200 kg. Note: The actual weight of your delivered unit will vary due to options fitted to the unit.
Fitting to a steel yard
The head bail is bolted directly to the end of the cattle yard panel. 4 bolt holes are provided, 2 holes being drilled through each of the RHS vertical mainframes of the head bail, 1 towards the top and 1 towards the bottom at each side. A top bolt hole is shown here A. as seen from the entry side of the head bail. The head bail frame is mounted to fit flush with the upright ends of the yard panels using M12 x 120 galvanised bolts with appropriate washers and nuts. Shown below through the 50 x 50 uprights of the head bail B and cattle yard panel C.
Fitting to a wooden yard or strainer posts
The head bail is mounted to the posts using bolts. 4 bolt-on mounting width extension brackets are supplied for this purpose. Note: The brackets may be already attached to the head bail frame for you - a bracket is shown fitted to the head bail frame below D.
We recommend that holes are drilled right through the wooden strainer posts and that the head bail is bolted to the posts using M12 galvanised thread rod, washers and nuts. Important You must ensure that the edge of the post does not project into the head bail entry area E, which is beyond the inside edge of the head bail frame as shown in the plan view graphic below.
General cattle handling
Keep calm. A calm and in-control operator will help keep cattle from becoming alarmed or over-excited. This is one of the most important rules of good cattle handling. For best operation open the doors to the approximate width of the animal's head but less than the shoulders.
- The animal will put its head in the gap
- Then close the head bail
Important: close the head bail in one fast continuous motion ensuring that all the backlash (Slop) in the linkages is removed as the head bail closes tight on the animal's neck. If the head bail maintenance is not kept up to date with the head bail regularly greased it will make operating more difficult and the animal may not be held tight enough.
A quick reflex is required to catch horned animals. We recommend the Baulk Gate option is fitted to assist in catching larger horned animals.
If a rear handle option is fitted to your C1000 headbail disengage the front handle when using the rear handle and visa versa. A rear handle option assists in the efficient use of the head bail as you are always standing behind the animal when head bailing and makes catching the animal easier.
We recommend you fit Anti Backing Ratchets to use in conjunction with your C1000 head bail Always ensure you stand on the head bail side of the pipe when you are inserting the anti-backing ratchet pipe behind the animal if the animal suddenly moves backwards it will flick the pipe away from the operator.
Always ensure the anti-backing ratchet collar is engaged in the track to stop it from sliding out sideways as the animal moves.
Simply cleaning down your C1000 headbail after use will increase its working life. Cattle urine and/or faeces can have a corrosive effect on your equipment.
Lubricate all grease nipples, pivots and tracks on your C1000 head bail at least every 4 weeks, or for every 1,000 cattle processed. The nylon wheels on the top of the head bail require lubrication every 2 months.
Check and replace any worn components
Annually check pivots and bolts for wear and replace as required. Te Pari Products has a full range of replacement parts for your head bail.
Thank you for choosing Te Pari and purchasing your head bail from us, remember we are here to help and advise regarding any stock-handling equipment.