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Embracing technology at 6A Cattle Co Feedlot

Embracing technology at 6A Cattle Co Feedlot

6A Cattle Company are a feed to finish cattle operation in Alberta, Canada. They feed between 6500 and 10,000 head of cattle each year. They are using the Te Pari Revolution Auto Dosing gun with Feed IT software to improve efficiency and animal health in their farming business. Find out what their team have to say about the Revolution Dosing Gun in this article.

Making hard jobs easier with a Racewell Sheep Handler

Making hard jobs easier with a Racewell Sheep Handler

The Racewell Sheep Handler is often referred to as an essential tool for sheep ranchers, but as Matt Mickel from Central Utah has found, you really need to see it in action yourself to see just how effective, efficient and easy to use it is. Find out more about Matt’s experience with the Racewell HD4 Sheep Handler.

Craig Barnes Cattle Yards, South Australia

A game changing set of cattle yards in Yaninee, South Australia

Craig Barnes and his family farm in Yaninee, South Australia and earlier this year they installed a new set of Te Pari Cattle Yards with a Taurus HD3 Auto Drafting Cattle Crush. He’s enjoying cattle work twice as much now with cattle yards that offer improved safety and efficiency. Hear what Craig has to say…

Stress-free Cattle Handling for John Mitchell

Stress-free Cattle Handling | John Mitchell

With 4000 acres of upland farm to tend to and a mix of cattle and sheep, South Lanarkshire farmer John Mitchell needed equipment that would make things a little easier

Why do we hot dip galvanise our steel?

Why do we hot dip galvanize our steel?

We use hot-dip galvanising to ensure that our Steel Yards, Cattle Crushes & other equipment can stand up to the toughest weather conditions. So, just what is hot-dip galvanising, and why do we use it to protect our steel products from corrosion?

Te Pari Opens UK Office

Te Pari UK Office Open For Business

New Zealand company Te Pari establishes UK division to strengthen its position in the animal handling equipment market. 

Te Pari has announced the launch of its UK base from the 4th October 2021 operating from a premises in Perth, Scotland. Formally supplying products through Shearwell Data Livestock systems, New Zealand based Te Pari will now be selling its cattle and sheep handling equipment direct to UK farmers.